terça-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2007

Suspeita de Al Qaeda é desculpa dos EUA para bombardear Somália

A United States Air Force gunship carried out a strike Sunday night against suspected operatives of Al Qaeda in southern Somalia, a senior Pentagon official said Monday night. (NYT)

Atualização, 16h:

Bem ao gosto estadunidense, o bombardeio redundou em um banho de sangue com várias vítimas não identificadas. Ou seja, "um sucesso", segundo as autoridades (fantoches) pró-EUA interinas da Somália:
"Absolutely, a lot of people were killed," government spokesperson Abdirahman Dinari told AFP. "So many dead people were lying in the area, we do not know who is who, but the raid was a success." (Mail & Guardian)

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